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At Saipol, our employees participate in our mission as a responsible company in the agricultural sector, committed to creating value in the French vegetable 🇨🇵 oil and protein sectors, for better food for people and to preserve the planet.

Saipol has placed people at the heart of its 2023 strategy, both by considering societal expectations in the construction of its product range, and by offering employees the means to develop, learn and grow within the company.

613 employees
in 2022,
including 34 on work-study programmes
80 recruitments
in 2022,
including 10 work-study trainees
32 %
of employees recruited in 2022
are women
Score of 92 on the Gender Equality Index
in 2023

Our values

The foundation of the Avril group identity with a model built on caring for others and doing it together. Respect is illustrated by respect for colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers. Fairness and solidarity are also are part of this model, as well as, for managers, exemplarity and appreciation.
Without boldness, Avril could not be successful as a group. Boldness is an integral part of the history of the group and of Saipol. Dare to undertake, open up to innovative approaches, transform in order to better and more rapidly meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Performance is at the same time economic, social, and societal. Continuous improvement and the search for excellence are concepts that are cultivated within the company. The performance value is built around customer orientation and the objective of achieving results, while respecting values.
Salarié de Saipol

Talent management and mobility

Every Saipol employee is a talent. Throughout their career at Saipol, and more broadly within the Avril group, each employee is supported in developing his/her potential.

Human resources teams, with the help of managers, deploy management and talent management tools. The performance assessment and goal setting interviews and the Career and Development Conversation form the basis of the talent management calendar. They determine the training, the career or mobility interests, the potential of the employee to acquire more responsibilities in the company or within the Avril group.

Focus: training within the group

Avril Academy, Avril Group’s internal training university, develops training projects for the talent of today and tomorrow. A wide range of training courses is offered on business, management and leadership topics. These training courses, conducted internally or with the help of service providers, cover safety, management, lean management, finance, supply, HR, etc.

Salariés Saipol
Escape Game Handicap

Inclusion, a saipol commitment

Saipol is committed to a policy of equal opportunities from recruitment onwards and at all stages of employees’ career development. The job offers on the Avril Group’s careers site are available to all, including of course people with disabilities. In addition, the Disability service, created in 2018 at Saipol, provides support for people with a recognised disability as soon as they are hired by the company.​

In this continuity, the Saipol website also wants to be accessible, it is partially compliant with the RGAA (General repository for improving accessibility), a compliance audit reveals that 93.4% of the criteria are met.

Eloïse Avenel
«Disability advisors are present at each of our sites to respond to the various requests of our employees with disabilities (workplace adaptation, administrative procedures, etc.). ​

Our managers are made aware of disability issues and workshops are held each year to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities.

Saipol’s approach is fully in line with Avril Group’s approach, which created a Disability mission at Group level in 2020.»​

Eloïse Avenel, Head Office HR Manager and Saipol Disability advisor
“We are coordinating various employee awareness programs at each of our sites to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities.

In 2020 and 2021, despite the difficulty linked to the health crisis, we have maintained a certain number of operations, in particular the DuoDays.”

Manon Cholet, In charge of HR Development and Disability Correspondent Saipol

Gender equality

Saipol is a firm believer that gender equality is a powerful driving force for increasing performance and organisational attractiveness. A work community featuring people of both genders is key to preventing discrimination and a major asset for enriching social cohesion within the company.

Since 2019, companies have been invited to measure their workplace equality performance and publish the results of their “gender equality index”, which comprises five indicators (see image opposite).

Saipol achieved a score of 92/100 for 2023.​

The company is actively pursuing an employment equality policy with particular focus on the business support functions where gender equality is more favourable. The company has implemented an agreement promoting workplace equality and quality of working life, which especially aims to narrow the gender pay gap.

Saipol is committed to ensuring equal pay for new hires based on an objective set of criteria. The basic salary is defined to reflect the employee’s level of responsibilities, qualifications, professional experience and skills, without any distinction between men and women.

Performance progress objectives :

The score achieved in 2023 is higher than the minimum level defined by legislation (75 points). However, Saipol’s senior executives are determined to improve this result by focusing their actions on such key issues as occupational gender equality and promoting women’s access to positions of higher responsibility, specifically:

  • In terms of the indicator “number of employees from the underrepresented gender in the top 10 salaries”score 5/10: whenever the opportunity arises, Saipol is committed to ensuring that women are fairly represented in the top 10 salaries, based on equivalent skills.
  • In terms of the indicator “gender gap relating to individual pay increases” – score 20/20: before each individual pay increase period, managers will be reminded of their legal obligations relating to equal pay.

The video opposite was produced to promote women in industrial trades during International Women’s Rights Day 2023.

Employé Saipol

safety, a priority for saipol

Safety is Saipol’s priority. All employees and subcontractors are mobilised to improve safety at the industrial and administrative sites every day. Each year, Saipol aims to reduce the number of injuries by 20% by applying the best safety standards and practices. The ultimate goal is to achieve zero injuries.

With the support of the Avril Group, the “WeCare – Every accident is avoidable” programme is based on 3 approaches over the 2019-2023 period with the aim of halving the number of injuries at group level by 2023.

  • Preventing risks and continuously improving safety – with regular sharing of experience and good practices, discipline in applying the golden rules of safety and life-saving procedures, safety governance in each establishment, and more.
  • Engaging managers – through regular Field Safety Visits (FSV) to encourage good practices, a training plan, a safety integration programme for new recruits, etc.​
  • Improving industrial safety – by integrating safety at the start of all projects and investments.


Avril Safety Day, a day dedicated to safety

Every year in June, all Avril Group sites organise a day dedicated to safety.

Employees take part in information meetings and educational and collaborative workshops aimed at strengthening the safety culture on a daily basis.

Quality of life at work

Safety and quality of life at work go hand in hand. Saipol implements measures to promote a quality working environment that facilitates collaborative work on the sites, in association with the employee representative bodies.
In its “Living Well Together” charter, Saipol describes the commitments made individually to ensure a calm working atmosphere, rules for collaboration that respect employees’ private lives, the right to disconnect and to ensure a balance between private and professional life.
Saipol has also set up a teleworking agreement for employees who, depending on their position and the equipment available, can benefit from two fixed teleworking days per week in agreement with their manager.

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